Rajagopal in Spain and France / Rajagopal en Espagne et en France

Rajagopal in Spain and France / Rajagopal en Espagne et en France

Rajagopal has just completed a short tour around Europe, promoting the ideas of land rights and non-violent struggles. / Rajagopal vient de ...

12 May 2014

Book "Thinking a food democracy" published

Book "Thinking a food democracy" published

Thinking new ways for resistance

23 Apr 2014

Ekta Parishad and SEWA nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2014

Ekta Parishad and SEWA nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2014

Two groups working with and on behalf of marginalized  women workers and poor landowners in India have been nominated by AFSC for the 2014 ...

7 Apr 2014

7 Apr 2014

Our Land Our Business Campaign, joined by Ekta Parishad

Our Land Our Business Campaign, joined by Ekta Parishad

CICODEV Africa, CNOP, Ekta Parishad, Green Scenery, INSAF, The Oakland Institute /The Rules and The Solidarity Movement for Ethiopia launched the campaign Our Land Our Business, to hold the World Bank accountable for its role in the rampant theft of land and resources from some of the world’s poorest people--farmers, pastoralists, and indigenous communities.

31 Mar 2014

Olivier de Schutter exchanges with Rajagopal and Ekta Europe - extracts

Olivier de Schutter exchanges with Rajagopal and Ekta Europe - extracts

On December 6, 2013, Ekta Europe and Ekta Parishad organised a workshop around the theme "Jan Satyagraha, one year later - what's next?".
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