The Anuvrat Ahimsa Award 2013 for International Peace given to Rajagopal!

The Anuvrat Ahimsa Award 2013 for International Peace given to Rajagopal!

Rajagopal received the award in New Delhi on July 13th, 2014

15 Jul 2014

Report of the village visit of CESCI Association with Ekta Parishad and planning of the next one!

Report of the village visit of CESCI Association with Ekta Parishad and planning of the next one!

You will find here the report of the visit in German, but also the synthesis of the report in French and English, and the contacts to participate ...

7 Jul 2014

International Youth Programme on Non-violence in September : you can be part of it!

International Youth Programme on Non-violence in September : you can be part of it!

An international Youth Programme on Non-violence organised by International Initiatives, in partnership with CESCI Madurai and Ekta Parishad, in ...

17 Jun 2014

13 Jun 2014

Why 30 women rent two acres of land together

Why 30 women rent two acres of land together

Watch our new video - A group of women cultivates vegetables in a collective farming project in Jharkhand

2 Jun 2014

What to expect from Narendra Modi on indigenous people in India

What to expect from Narendra Modi on indigenous people in India

A good article from the Guardian explores the subject.
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