International rights bodies condemn POSCO land grab

International rights bodies condemn POSCO land grab

Article from the Times of India and more...

Author: Ekta Europe Admin/Wednesday, February 20, 2013/Categories: News

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The international solidarity has been very strong around the anti-POSCO struggle in India. Please see below an article from the Times of India published on Feb 16th and two support letters that have been sent, one from international organisations, and the other from advisasis (tribal) organisations in Odhisha, India.

Rights bodies condemn Posco land grab

Ashis Senapati, TNN Feb 16, 2013, 05.01AM IST

KENDRAPADA: More than 250 international human rights organizations, comprising social workers, scientists, legal luminary activists, academics among others, have strongly criticized the Odisha government for using forces to acquire fertile lands and betel vines in the proposed Posco site in Jagatsinghpur district. They also wrote a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday, urging him to stop land acquisition works in these areas.

In the letter, they also condemned the use of force against protesters, including women and children. They stated in their letter that the most recent wave of police violence between February 3 and 6 in Gobindapur village saw the men in uniform use the same pattern of abuse, threats, and intimidation by the government to forcibly acquire land for Posco's steel processing plant.

Link to the article :

Download the letter from international organisations

Download the letter from the adivasis communities : STOP VIOLENCE IN THE NAME OF DEVELOPMENT.pdf

Related to the picture of this article, see the following article :



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