Speeches and presentations
Please find on this page some of the speeches and presentations that were made during the conference :
September 12th :
September 13th :
- Rehana Riyawala, SEWA : 1_RIYAWALApresentation-land-and-livelihood-conference_sept-2011_REHANA-RIYAWALA.ppt
- Manuel Montes, Chief Economist, UNDESA : MANUELMONTESThe-Right-to-Land-and-Livelihood-1.pdf
- Patrick Hohmann, Founder and Director, Remei AG : 3_HOHMANNekta-parishad-2011-1.ppt
- Laurent Muratet, Director for Marketing and Communications, Alter Eco : 4_MURATETVers-une-agriculture-biologique-et-équitable-Les-actions-2012-VG-Mode-de-compatibilité-1-Laurent-MURATET.pdf
- Nadia Saracini, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer, Christian Aid UK : 1_SARACINIEkta-Europe-Presentation.ppt
- Sarah Mader, Desk Officer for India and Myanmar, Swissaid : SWISSAID‘s-work-on-the-right-to-Land-and-livelihood.ppt
- Ruchi Tripathi, Head of the Right to Food, Action Aid : TRIPATHIActionAid-land-presentation.ppt