Deadline around national land reform in India in April

Deadline around national land reform in India in April

"Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh on Thursday met Jan Satyagraha activists in Agra and signed an agreement committing that the ...

21 mars 2013

Urgent : send a letter to encourage the Indian Government to fulfill its promises!

Urgent : send a letter to encourage the Indian Government to fulfill its promises!

An agreement was signed with the marchers of Jan Satyagraha in October 2012. A roadmap was agreed with the Indian Government, represented by ...

18 mars 2013

"Give land, take vote"

"Give land, take vote"

“In the next elections, what each party will do and what their agenda is in regard to ‘land and livelihood’, we need to check. ...

13 mars 2013

12 mars 2013

Landless poor to rally for "right to land for shelter"

Landless poor to rally for "right to land for shelter"

"Ten thousand landless and homeless people plan to gather at Ram Lila Maidan next month in a bid to persuade the government that the “right to shelter” needs concrete legal backing.(...)"

7 mars 2013

India denies rights to women as peasants / L'Inde nie les droits des agricultrices à posséder leurs terres

India denies rights to women as peasants / L'Inde nie les droits des agricultrices à posséder leurs terres

"Il faut mettre en place des politiques agricoles tenant compte de l'égalité des sexes", plaide Olivier De Schutter, le rapporteur spécial des Nations unies sur le droit à l'alimentation, dans un rapport présenté, lundi 4 mars, au Conseil des droits de l'homme à Genève.