New video on adivasi and land rights : "Gaon chhodab nahin!", a struggle song

New video on adivasi and land rights : "Gaon chhodab nahin!", a struggle song

A cry that echoes through forests and mountains in India today as adivasis, the original or indigenous dwellers, face massive displacement due to ...

5 Mar 2013

Tribute to Stéphane Hessel

Tribute to Stéphane Hessel

Stéphane Hessel died yesterday in France, aged 95. Through all his life he has been a perfect illustration of the word of Gandhi "Be the ...

28 Feb 2013

Interview of Rajagopal : an update about the agreement with the Indian Govt

Interview of Rajagopal : an update about the agreement with the Indian Govt

Tuesday, February 26th was the date of the meeting of the National Land Reform Task Force, to confirm and assess the progresses of the Agreement ...

27 Feb 2013

20 Feb 2013

International rights bodies condemn POSCO land grab

International rights bodies condemn POSCO land grab

The international solidarity has been very strong around the anti-POSCO struggle in India. Please see below an article from the Times of India published on Feb 16th and two support letters that have been sent, one from international organisations, and the other from advisasis (tribal) organisations in Odhisha, India.

14 Feb 2013

Jan Satyagraha process update - January 2013

Jan Satyagraha process update - January 2013

Please find the document relating the latest updates concerning the Jan Satyagraha process in english here.