Rajagopal shares about the history of Ekta Parishad in Canada / Rajagopal partage l'expérience d'Ekta Parishad au Canada

Rajagopal shares about the history of Ekta Parishad in Canada / Rajagopal partage l'expérience d'Ekta Parishad au Canada

Coady Chair at St. F.X. shares 40 years’ work organizing protests by the marginalized. / Le militant veut du changement pour 50.000 ...

3 Sep 2013

Reflections of a gandhian activist / Réflexions d'un activiste disciple de Gandhi

Reflections of a gandhian activist / Réflexions d'un activiste disciple de Gandhi

" The major debate in this country today is about development. Some people call it the politics of development and some others call it the ...

7 Aug 2013

A long and detailes interview of Rajagopal (2009) / Un entretien long et détaillé avec Rajagopal (2009)

A long and detailes interview of Rajagopal (2009) / Un entretien long et détaillé avec Rajagopal (2009)

This long and detailed interview of Rajagopal was done by Paul Schwartzentruber in Cesci (India) in 2009. / Cet entretien long et ...

2 Jul 2013

11 Jun 2013

Video : José Bové speaks about Rajagopal / Vidéo : José Bové parle de Rajagopal

Video : José Bové speaks about Rajagopal / Vidéo : José Bové parle de Rajagopal

In this short video, José Bové, representative of Via Campesina, speaks about Rajagopal. / Dans cette courte vidéo, José Bové, représentant de Via Campesina / la Confédération paysanne, parle de Rajagopal.

28 May 2013

Promises of Social Justice for India's Landless /  Promesses de justice sociale pour les sans-terres en Inde

Promises of Social Justice for India's Landless / Promesses de justice sociale pour les sans-terres en Inde

"(...) The most impoverished people in India, the Dalits and Adivasis, especially women, are not only forgotten, but are also the main victims of rampant growth [fr] in recent years, which is centered primarily around industrialization.(...)" /
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