First film about Jan Satyagraha from Louis Campana and François Verlet / Premier film sur Jan Satyagraha, de Louis Campana et François Verlet

First film about Jan Satyagraha from Louis Campana and François Verlet / Premier film sur Jan Satyagraha, de Louis Campana et François Verlet

The film "Cent mille et une victoires pour le monde" from Louis Campana and François Verlet is now out. / Le film "Cent mille et une ...

27 May 2013

If Indonesia can secure indigenous forest rights, why not India?

If Indonesia can secure indigenous forest rights, why not India?

"An Indonesian court has ruled indigenous people have the right to manage forests where they live, a move which supporters said prevents the ...

23 May 2013

Rajagopal urges the States in India to solve the Panchami and Bhoodan land issues

Rajagopal urges the States in India to solve the Panchami and Bhoodan land issues

"Mr. Rajagopal, who was in the city as part of his visit to Tamil Nadu, told TheHindu on Monday that the State should resolve all the disputes ...

21 May 2013

15 May 2013

Report about land grabbing in Europe

Report about land grabbing in Europe

"Land grabbing is widely assumed to be happening only in the global South, but in-depth analysis by a team of researchers shows that land grabbing is also creeping in Europe."

13 May 2013

Interview of Rajagopal in German - "Erziehungskunst"

Interview of Rajagopal in German - "Erziehungskunst"

This interview has been done by Jonathan Wolf when Rajagopal stayed in Köln some time ago. He speaks about youth eduction and non-violent training methods, and the purpose of it.
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