Indian Goverment proposes a national land reform together with the task force set up after Jan Satyagraha

Indian Goverment proposes a national land reform together with the task force set up after Jan Satyagraha

Draft land reform policy proposes mechanisms to prepare a land use plan for every village, land rights for women.

24 Jul 2013

4 videos to explain the non-violent training methods of Ekta Parishad

4 videos to explain the non-violent training methods of Ekta Parishad

These 4 short videos in English language aim to explain and illustrate the training methods of the non-violent trainings of Ekta Parishad in the ...

8 Jul 2013

A long and detailes interview of Rajagopal (2009) / Un entretien long et détaillé avec Rajagopal (2009)

A long and detailes interview of Rajagopal (2009) / Un entretien long et détaillé avec Rajagopal (2009)

This long and detailed interview of Rajagopal was done by Paul Schwartzentruber in Cesci (India) in 2009. / Cet entretien long et ...

2 Jul 2013

11 Jun 2013

Video : José Bové speaks about Rajagopal / Vidéo : José Bové parle de Rajagopal

Video : José Bové speaks about Rajagopal / Vidéo : José Bové parle de Rajagopal

In this short video, José Bové, representative of Via Campesina, speaks about Rajagopal. / Dans cette courte vidéo, José Bové, représentant de Via Campesina / la Confédération paysanne, parle de Rajagopal.

10 Jun 2013

Rajagopal with International Initiatives in Colombia

Rajagopal with International Initiatives in Colombia

Find in this article the complete programme of the event around non-violence and land rights in Colombia, organised by International Initiatives, with Rajagopal and Jill Carr-Harris.