4 Feb 2015

Footmarch from Palwal to Delhi from 20th to 23rd February

Footmarch from Palwal to Delhi from 20th to 23rd February

Author: Ekta Europe Admin  /  Categories: Events  /  Rate this article:
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Event date: 20.02.2015 - 23.02.2015 Export event

Due to the non-implementation of the promises made by the Indian Government after the Jan Satyagraha march in October 2012 on a Land Reform Agenda, Ekta Parishad has decided to organize a footmarch of 5000 people from Palwal to Delhi between the 20th and 23rd February 2015.

This march will remind Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his new government about the agreement that was made during the Jan Satyagraha 2012 when 100,000 people walked to Agra and participated in signing the historical 10-point agreement.

Yet, this new government has not even taken action on this agreement to date. Instead, it has brought out an ordinance that modifies the LARR 2013 Act (namely, the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act). With such an ordinance being signed, companies and investors are able to dispossess people from their land and thus, they will not be able to have a life of dignity, security and identity.

Ekta Parishad under the leadership of PV Rajagopal decided to organize a footmarch from the 20th to 23rd February from Palwal to Delhi to draw attention of the government to their concerns. Within these 5000 people there are dalits, adivasis, landless labourers and poor farmers from across the country.

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