Creating space for women inside Ekta Parishad

Creating space for women inside Ekta Parishad

"There are a lot of women moving up to take major leadership positions and you see that leadership developing at the community levels, at the ...

25 Aug 2014

Rajagopal warns about false promises in Indian politics : article in First Post India

Rajagopal warns about false promises in Indian politics : article in First Post India

"I am waiting to see what kind of opposition will come from within the BJP to the amendments to the Land Acquisition Act. We wish that within BJP ...

28 Jul 2014

Ekta Parishad and Rajagopal in European media: enjoy the latest readings in German, French and English

Ekta Parishad and Rajagopal in European media: enjoy the latest readings in German, French and English

Ekta Parishad and Rajagopal have been present in the European and Indian media quite often recently, here are some useful links to check it out in ...

15 Jul 2014

15 Jul 2014

The Anuvrat Ahimsa Award 2013 for International Peace given to Rajagopal!

The Anuvrat Ahimsa Award 2013 for International Peace given to Rajagopal!

Rajagopal received the award in New Delhi on July 13th, 2014

7 Jul 2014

Report of the village visit of CESCI Association with Ekta Parishad and planning of the next one!

Report of the village visit of CESCI Association with Ekta Parishad and planning of the next one!

You will find here the report of the visit in German, but also the synthesis of the report in French and English, and the contacts to participate in the next visit, next fall in India!

Die Startseite mit den aktuellen News ist nur in Englisch verfügbar, da wir die meisten Informationen in Englisch erhalten und wir versuchen, auf dieser Seite möglichst immer die neusten Nachrichten über Ekta Parishad und Ekta Europe zu veröffentlichen. Alle anderen Seiten sind auch in Französisch und Deutsch erreichbar. Ekta Europe wünscht Ihnen spannendes Surfen!