Call for global solidarity from P.V. Rajagopal

Call for global solidarity from P.V. Rajagopal

I am writing to you to appeal for actions in solidarity with the people of Dhinkia and the surrounding village  whose struggle against the ...

23 Jan 2013

Indian Government approves higher funds for housing policies

Indian Government approves higher funds for housing policies

"The Union Cabinet on Thursday approved the Ministry of Rural Development’s proposal to raise the unit cost under Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY), ...

22 Jan 2013

Is right to land for shelter a human right?

Is right to land for shelter a human right?

Join the online discussion on the land portal : Is the right to land for shelter a human right? The discussion will last from December 5th to ...

2 Dez 2012

5 Nov 2012

Global press coverage around Jan Satyagraha

Global press coverage around Jan Satyagraha

Find the global press coverage around Jan Satyagraha here.

18 Okt 2012

Jan Satyagraha ends with an agreement

Jan Satyagraha ends with an agreement

The struggle of Jan Satyagraha came to end today (October 11th) with the signature, in Agra, of a 10 points agreement between Jairam Ramesh, Minister for Rural Development of India, and PV Rajagopal, leader of Jan Satyagraha and Ekta Parishad.

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