Promised land : more commitments should be done by the Indian government?

Promised land : more commitments should be done by the Indian government?

"Last October, the Ministry of Rural Development promised thousands of landless Jan Satyagraha agitators that it would draft a new land reforms ...

5 Aug 2013

Indian Goverment proposes a national land reform together with the task force set up after Jan Satyagraha

Indian Goverment proposes a national land reform together with the task force set up after Jan Satyagraha

Draft land reform policy proposes mechanisms to prepare a land use plan for every village, land rights for women.

24 Jul 2013

Indian Government finalises bill to provide roofs for homeless

Indian Government finalises bill to provide roofs for homeless

"(...) The bill said the right to home should be enforced within a time period as specified and in accordance with the plans to be made at the ...

22 Jul 2013

28 May 2013

Promises of Social Justice for India's Landless /  Promesses de justice sociale pour les sans-terres en Inde

Promises of Social Justice for India's Landless / Promesses de justice sociale pour les sans-terres en Inde

"(...) The most impoverished people in India, the Dalits and Adivasis, especially women, are not only forgotten, but are also the main victims of rampant growth [fr] in recent years, which is centered primarily around industrialization.(...)" /

27 May 2013

First film about Jan Satyagraha from Louis Campana and François Verlet / Premier film sur Jan Satyagraha, de Louis Campana et François Verlet

First film about Jan Satyagraha from Louis Campana and François Verlet / Premier film sur Jan Satyagraha, de Louis Campana et François Verlet

The film "Cent mille et une victoires pour le monde" from Louis Campana and François Verlet is now out. / Le film "Cent mille et une victoires pour le monde" de Louis Campana et François Verlet est à présent disponible.
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